Sunday, June 24, 2007

Playground Fun

Alette is definitely gaining confidence on her feet as she now tears over any surface and over any obstacle. Her time at the park consisted mostly of her running around and under the playground equipment with me in hot pursuit.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Watch out Lance, here we come....

Alette has made several trips out in her new burley bike trailer. As long as she has juice, crackers and a book, she's happy (until we hit a bump). Our trips have been relatively short, mostly around the waterfront here in Camden, so I think we'll start training for the yellow jersey next year.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Celebrating Dads

Alette had the chance to hang out with two of her favorite guys over the weekend. She also had the chance to show off some of her new skills: drinking from a cup, throwing things in the trash, and wiping her face. Alette loves an audience and made sure we joined in clapping for each accomplishment.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Some Favorite Activities

The weekend brought the unexpected delight of a visit with Auntie Laura as she stopped by Philly on her way back to DC. Since Alette is the focus of every family visit, she wishes they happened more often!
In the meantime, Alette is honing her drawing and reading skills. So far we have managed to avoid her drawing on anything but paper. Our fridge is rapidly being covered with some of her finer masterpieces-however, she enjoys crinkling up and tearing the paper as much as drawing on it, so few actually survive the creative process.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Summer is here and it is time for.....

chasing seagulls at the beach. The gulls were way more interesting than any sandcastle I could make.

catching up on some good books. A fun afternoon at the Camden Children's Garden.

being silly! The packaging is always so much more fun than the toys inside.

seesaws at the park. The time on the seesaw was cut short when Alette spotted some geese and took off after them.

enjoying our new backyard. Thanks to Andy's hard work, we now have a fabulous play area!

playing in the 'pool'. No need for a real pool yet, Alette is still not convinced that she should actually sit in water.