A brief and sporadic look into the lives of my two daughters, Alette and Abria.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Weekend Gardening
It was the perfect weekend for cleaning the yard. We even found a couple of red tomatoes! Alette helped plant some daffodils, but was more interested in eating her snack and watching me work.
The pool in our backyard is probably smaller than most tubs. But it gives the girls a chance to splash and cool down. Yes, Miss Z is squirting Abria with a turkey baster.... a very logical use of a seldom used utensil.
Movie Night
When I was little my mom often bent the rules when my dad was away...and it is funny how I tend to do the same thing. Andy was gone for the weekend, so we put on a movie and stuffed ourselves silly with popcorn. However, when you are 2 and 5, movie night starts at 5pm...so dinner was popcorn and a large glass of milk to wash it all down. ToyStory 3 was a huge hit with the girls!
Alette sings in the children's choir.
Abria's Art
This is the first time Abria painted and actually 'named' her subjects-birds. She patiently pointed out all the flying birds to me in the picture.
Marna willingly sacrificed her quads/knees to entertain the girls with bouncy rides throughout the evening.
Recent Words of Wisdom
I like Tim Hortons better than Starbucks because they have great donuts-Alette
Abria, you don't need to be scared of going through the clouds because they are just water, and now we will be closer to God-Alette to her sister on the plane
Mommy, do angels ever crash when they are flying?-Alette
When asked her age, Abria always responds 'four!', after all, that is what she hears Alette say.
When asked if she is a baby, Abria will respond 'no, girl-little girl' or 'no, mommy's baby'.
Everybody Stretch!
Alette loves her homeschool gym class. As you can see, it isn't too hardcore-the kids stretch, do jumping jacks, pretend they are different animals, and generally spend alot of time running off some energy.
It looks like Alette is resting in the warm sunshine but really, she is Sleeping Beauty and waiting her true love's first kiss.
Alette has rest time from 2-3: I've given her a digital clock so she knows when she is allowed to leave her room. Yesterday, she was frantically calling me from the top of the steps, desperate to leave her room early. I told her she needed to follow the rules and stay in her room until 3. In response, she stomped her foot and said 'I am so disappointed with your answer'.
Wow, it is quiet!
Andy has gone to pick up Alette at his mom's and took Abria with him. I think this is only the second time in about 6months that I am home by myself. It is 6:21pm and I am not making dinner, eating dinner, or cleaning up from dinner. What a strange experience. I may even turn off the baby monitor.
At 18months, Abria weighs a whopping 28 1/2 lbs and is 34" tall. She is a bundle of energy-she loves dancing and clapping to music, scribbling (unfortunatley not always on paper), chasing her sister, and playing with her toys. She's using more and more words but still communicates primarily by pointing and making the sign for 'more'. She's had a continual cold for the past few weeks, I've never used so much tissue in my life. Morning naps are a thing of the past :( but thankfully she is still taking a long afternoon nap.
Okay, it's not a REAL gingerbread house...
Our attempts at a gingerbread house was a fiasco this year. We mixed the dough, rolled it out, cut the patterns, put it together...only to have it fall apart. So we put it together again....only to have it fall apart again. I even tried to use duct tape and the glue gun. Finally we ditched it. I was determined to have a house for Alette to decorate so we built a cardboard house, then 'glued' on graham crackers with icing. So far it is till standing although the candy decorations are slowly disappearing.
Some of the rice actually gets in her mouth!
Our last dr. appointment was not fun. Abria had a major fever and was feeling rather rotten. So the immunizations were put off a week...nothing like procrastinating the awful stuff. She's dropped to the 90th percentile for weight (although with her puffy winter fleece on-below-she looks huge!) and is off the chart for height. Not a huge suprise with a 6ft. tall mom! She loves her books, turning on and off the lights, climbing onto tables, and petting the cat. She's walking....abit. She's still pretty convinced that walking should only be done when holding onto someone's hand.
Abria-15months already!
Our Princess
The Start of a New Season
Fall will be busy for Alette. She has nursery school two mornings a week, and will be at our homeschool co-op one morning a week. She's met her new teachers and is excited to start. At Open House last week she kept asking 'mommy, why are you still here? I'm okay!' Right now Alette is princess-obsessed...it started awhile ago and has shown no signs of abating. Check back soon for pictures of the princess at school.
Abria so far...
loves hugging and playing peek a boo with Alette. She likes to climb on the chair, then stick her head 'round the corner and say 'boo'. over and over and over....
climbs onto/over everything. She loves the stairs, our couch, climbing onto the coffee table...nothing is sacred!
can walk holding just one hand
can say 'mama, dada, woof, cat, ba (for bye), ssss (for sister)
We are fast approaching Abria's first birthday! Abria just figured out how to crawl (she was so happy to just sit and play for months!) and life hasn't been the same since. She is now thrilled to be able to get into the cat food (gross) and happily follows Alette around. She pulls herself up to her knees and is happy to stand when someone is holding her hand but seems uninterested in taking any steps. She's waving, clapping, playing peek-a-boo, and giving big sloppy kisses. I love it.
Nearly a year!
Abria's first pool adventure!
Abria took easily to the pool, happily splashing and kicking around. At one point she even seemed bored, lying back to float and just calmly watching her grandma.
Politics According to a 3year Old
I was listening to B.Obama on NPR last week and decided to further Alette's awareness of politics by engaging her in discussion. This is how it went: me: Alette, Barak Obama was on the radio, he's going to be our new president. Isn't that good? alette: Obama's good? me: yes, he is. Mommy and Daddy like him a lot. We think he's good. alette: he listens to God? me: I think so. We're excited that he's going to be the president. alette: I want duck for president. I think we have a ways to go before she's up to speed on her political saviness. Who can blame her for wanting a fun loving, mischevious duck for president though?
More Holiday Photos
Abria eye's daddy's food.
Introducing Abria Hope
During pregnancy I prayed for a quick delivery and a nonfussy eater. Abria came into this world on Friday, July 18 at 9:00pm, half an hour after we arrived at the hospital. With a full head of dark hair, and a voracious appetite, she behaved nothing like her older sister. Abria's now nearly 18lbs, and is a happy, content baby. She loves chewing on her hands, squealing, shrieking, and taking baths. We are still waiting for her to sleep through the night! She doesn't always need to get fed, but seems to delight in babbling and squealing at all hours. Somehow her big drooly smile makes it all worthwhile.
Abria Hope Joshua
springbreak pictures
Our only snowfall, and she didn't even enjoy it!
More Thanksgiving Fun
Random Photos
At 19 months, Alette....
is still a very picky eater
is 32 3/4 inches tall
weighs 21 lbs 8 ozs
loves swimming and playing in water-although she still will not sit in the tub!
loves going for walks, our backyard, her ride-on car and slides
still naps about 2-3 hours a day :)
loves iced coffee (decaf)
says 'shoes' 'juice' 'woof' 'ball' and sometimes 'cat'
Can you ever get tired of peek-a-boo?
Andy hangs out with his two favorite babies.
At 15 months, Alette likes to....
be the center of attention!
watch the outdoor cats through the screen door
put on her own socks and shoes (or at least try)
give great big hugs!
dance (something she picked up at daycare)
pat the cats (they are growing increasingly wary of her as she gains mobility)
feed herself (she can now shovel in her yogurt at an alarming rate)
Alette's relatively clean as she starts feeding herself. Sometimes she puts the spoon in her mouth, sometimes she bangs it in the food, sometimes she just flings the food around.
Maybe it is easier to just eat from the bowl.
I've heard that yogurt is good for the hair, but this seems out of control.
I came into this world just over a year ago. Since then, I've learned to sit up, crawl, smile, laugh and eat all sorts of food. I'm still learning how to walk on my own. I love to unpack shelves, drawers and boxes. I also love my cats. I've turned my mom and dad's lives (and house)upside down...
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